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Partnering with us
Make the Future Yours! is a unique careers magazine aimed primarily at 15-19 year-olds. It recognises the need for careers information and advice for students and their parents to make decisions about their next move and find information about the opportunities open to them. The magazine is also a useful guide for anyone thinking of retraining or changing careers.
The magazine is read by young people (and those advising them) at a vital and important time in their lives when they are making decisions about their future direction and their educational and training needs, so this is an ideal time to talk to them and show them about how your organisation or business can help them at this critical time.
Written by experts in their field and full of well-researched and authoritative editorial, the magazine has a 60/40 editorial to advertising mix.
Published three times a year in print and digital formats, the magazine is distributed in both formats directly to students and their parents through secondary schools and 6th form colleges and available to download from the website.
Our festivals give students an opportunity to meet employers, industry bodies and a variety of education establishments. The live events will provide our partners another opportunity to create awareness of their company and early careers opportunities and to interact with students. The events will have a festival feel to them to create an atmosphere that will inspire young people.
Our partners are also promoted on the homepage and within articles on our website, with links back to the relevant section of their website .
We partner with employers and industry organisations, with a view to building long-term relationships that will create awareness of the opportunities in their company or industry.
Partner with us
Speak with one of our Partners Team, by email hello@makethefutureyours.com
or call 02394 004042
“The magazine is a great new way for us to connect with young people in our area”
“Love the concept and website - really contemporary, clear and engaging.”
To request more information please email:
hello@makethefutureyours.com or call 02394 004042