What are T-Levels?
If you haven’t heard about them yet, T Levels are a qualification that was introduced in England in September 2020 for students aged 16+. They are two-year courses which reflect the reality of the industry you study and will become one of the main choices for students after GCSEs.
What is a T Level?
T Level (Technical Level) courses are an alternative to A Levels, Apprenticeships, and other qualifications for students. One T Level is worth the equivalent of 3 A Levels, in terms of both UCAS points and space on the timetable. Like Apprenticeships, T Levels have been developed in collaboration with employers, such as IBM, Lloyds Bank and EDF Energy who have been amongst many sitting on T Level development panels. This means that the content within the courses is up to date and reflects the needs of the industry.
Students can earn Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* grades. Grades will be calculated on a combination of assignment-based assessments and some tests.
The idea of T Levels is to help young people become ‘work-ready’, which will benefit both them and the employer.
Can I still apply to University with T Levels?
Yes. Both A Levels and T Levels hold UCAS points, meaning you can apply to university with either qualification.
What qualifications do I need to study a T Level?
T Levels require a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grades 9-5.
A T level transition programme has been introduced as a 1-year post-GCSE bridging programme into T-Levels. Its aim is to help those who would like to do a T level but need additional support before doing so. The transition programme includes technical, Maths, English and digital skills linked to the T level as well as work experience and personal development. Here is a list of providers delivering the programme in 2022 to 2023.
Further resources to aid your decision…
Watch industry placement videos to hear from students and employers who have benefited from T Level industry placements.