What is a training provider?
You would think that the obvious answer to that question is a person or organisation who provides training. Whilst that is certainly true, in the world of apprenticeships, the term training provider has a very specific meaning too.
A training provider is an organisation who is officially registered and approved to deliver Apprenticeship Training. All training providers need to be listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) and will have a contract with the Government for funding purposes. All training providers are also subject to OfSTED Inspections, which helps to ensure the quality and the experience for their learners.
Training providers are typically colleges of further education, private or specialist training providers and some universities. For example, Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT), HTP Apprenticeship College and Solent University all feature on the RoATP and regularly deliver apprenticeships in a range of areas.
However, some employers or specialist organisations also choose to become registered so they can deliver apprenticeships. Browsing the list of over 2,000 training providers currently registered in England, the following organisations also feature: Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC), Boots the Chemist and the National Pharmacy Association, to name just a few.
If you want to find out more about training providers, the Gov.uk website has useful information and if you want to find a Training Provider, the RoATP listing can be found on the Gov.uk website in the Apprenticeship section.
The Young Apprentice Ambassadors Network (YAAN)
The Young Apprentice Ambassador Network (YAAN) is a group of inspiring, driven apprentices, both current and former, who are happy to share their experiences with others. Ambassadors can be booked to come in to speak at schools, attend careers fairs or support mock interview days, for example. All Ambassadors receive free training and are then able to choose which events in their area they are able to support. In our experience, employers are usually delighted to support their Apprentices to sign up as an Ambassador as they are such a great reflection on the company! To sign up as a Young Apprentice Ambassador or if you are teacher and you would like to request an Ambassador, please visit www.amazingapprenticeships.com