Why is resilience important?
Resilient people still experience stress, setbacks, and difficult emotion, however resilience empowers them to adapt to a situation and move forward. It's important for both your career and personal life - it'swhat gives people the emotional strength to cope with trauma, adversity, and hardship!
Stress management
Firstly, learn to recognise the signs of stress: irritability and anger, trouble sleeping, eating changes... If these things start to happen you can tackle the stress in numerous ways: talking about stressful situations will put things in perspective, physical activity is an essential stress reliever whether it's a walk or going to the gym.
How to use mindfulness
Mindfulness is where you focus on being intensely aware of what you're feeling in the moment, without judgement. It helps relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. This could involve: walking meditation, sitting meditation, focusing on your breathing, slowing down and learning to accept yourself, or writing feelings.
The value of mistakes
There's a big stigma attached to the word 'mistake'. Mistakes are proof of trying new things and reaching out the comfort zone -whether this be learning a new subject or teaching yourself to rollerskate. Expect them as part of the process of development, and keep in mind they could lead to something extraordinary!
Everyone has their own individual opinions on how relationships work. Some key things to remember in a relationship is to make sure you (no matter what) are feeling: supported, safe, happy, trusted and loved. If you are doubting any of these things, the best thing you can do is reach out and talk, as hard as that can sometimes be.
Staying healthy through exams
It is a good idea if you make lists of all the topics you need to cover but also make a list of things you like doing to re-charge, whether that’s seeing live music, going to the pub, or hanging out family. It may feel silly but include these activities in your revision timetable - this way you might find it easier to keep a healthier balance!
Looking after your well-being
Looking after your well-being includes: getting enough sleep, eating healthily, staying social, keeping active, time for hobbies, and getting creative. All of those things can be difficult to balance at once. For some tips on how to keep the balance, visit www.mind.org.uk, they have so many great resources to help get yourself back on track.